A Snowy But Fun February
Andrew Jayne and George Morris
We are having a lot of fun this snowy winter, thanks to our great indoor arena!
Our February 16th Valentine's Jumper Jackpot was well attended, as was as our goal-setting party. Lauren Raggio and Loverboy, and Cathy Schmidt and Cielo took home all the loot. Congrats!
Andrew was lucky enough to spend 10 days in the Florida sunshine on the Winter Equestrian Festival circuit in Wellington. He was the guest of legendary George Morris and got to shadow him, ride with him and meet all the most famous people in our sport!
We had a wonderful clinic February 22-23 at Maplewood. Thanks to all the participants as well as auditors who attended. Everyone improved and learned a lot as well as had fun!
Our upcoming Jumper Jackpot is the final one in our spring series and will be held March 16th with a St. Patrick's Day theme. The day begins at 10 a.m., followed by lunch in the clubhouse. After lunch, we have a very special competition—Maplewood Men against Breakaway Men, in a competition against the clock, on horseback! Husbands, finances, boyfriends, brothers and significant others are eligible if they have a female competing in the Jumper Jackpot. Andrew and Ashlin will prepare and coach the teams. Talk to them for sign-ups and more information.
Julie is off to give a three-day clinic in Seattle, Washington for Fuerza Equestrian March 1-3, followed by a three-day clinic in Santa Fe, New Mexico from March 8-10 for HIPICO Santa Fe.
From March 20-31, Andrew, Julie, Elizabeth, Georgia and Chrysann are off to compete at the Blenheim Spring Shows in San Juan Capistrano, California.
We have some new lesson/lease horses available and lots of sale horses, young and old!
It's time to start thinking about Adult Ride & Whine Camp sign-ups for Spring--May 2-5! Can't wait!
Looking forward to spring!!