maplewood horse industry training program - 2025 course catalog

Licensed to operate by the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education

Addendum: Edited March 24, 2025


Course Catalog

Maplewood Training Stables, Inc., is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Nevada, governed by its corporate officers.  Julie Winkel currently serves as the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the corporate board.  

Our Faculty:

Julie Winkel founded Maplewood Training Stables, Inc. in 1978 and continues to serve as President and CEO. Julie is our Director, Academic Director and Lead Instructor. She grew up in the west surrounded by horses and started teaching when she was just 15 years old.

Julie was one of the first United States Hunter Jumper Association (USHJA) Certified Trainers – co-writing the USHJA Trainer Certification Manual & Study Guide as one of five authors that are renowned experts in the field. Julie is a USHJA Emerging Athletes Program Talent Scout, a United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) R-rated Judge, and a Canadian Equestrian Federation Judge. She has held her judging licenses since 1984, judging the most prestigious shows in the country, and has also designed courses and trained and shown hunters and jumpers to the top level, nationally and internationally. She has had many grand prix show jumping wins as well as hunter championships throughout her career.

Julie is a former co-chair of the USEF Licensed Officials Committee, former chair of the USHJA Officials Education Committee and currently serves on the USHJA Trainer Certification Program Committee and the USHJA Emerging Athletes Program Committee.

Elle Mullendore is a 2022 graduate of the Horse Industry Training Program who joined the Maplewood Training Stables staff after completing her two-year certificate. In 2025, she became an instructor in the Horse Industry Training program after completing two years working in the industry as an assistant trainer to Julie Winkel. She was chosen as a USHJA Emerging Athlete Program Finalist for the National Training Session in 2023 and has won numerous competitions in both the hunter ring as well as the jumper ring at top competitions.

Kevin Winkel is a substitute instructor with Maplewood Training Stables, Inc. Kevin has had a successful career as a junior and professional grand prix show jumping rider, with many wins in the junior jumpers, including the Pepsi Challenge at Thunderbird Showpark in Langley, Canada. After Kevin became a professional, he worked for Olympic Gold Medalist Joe Fargis in Middleburg, Virginia, as well as Rusty Stewart in Camarillo, California. Kevin currently owns and operates KW Show Jumping, based in Sacramento, California, and trains horses and students and competes in the hunters and jumpers.

Faculty Contact Information:

Julie Winkel: 775-742-4615 or

Elle Mullendore: 918-606-4516 or

Kevin Winkel: 775-997-4516 or

Placement Services Available to Students:

Maplewood is proud to assist students with finding great positions in the horse industry. Maplewood staff maintains a database of stables and professional trainers nationwide that are currently seeking barn managers and assistant horse trainers along with many other positions in the industry.

Maplewood staff works closely with students to place them in situations and environments in which they will flourish, depending on their strengths and weaknesses as well as their skill sets and interests. Academic Director Julie Winkel has thousands of contacts in the equine industry and therefore can match personality with culture for graduates entering the work force. 


Entrance Requirements:

Maplewood is proud to offer its Horse Industry Training Program to individuals with a keen interest in the horse industry who demonstrate that they are goal oriented and hard working.  Students must also demonstrate a commitment to the wellbeing of the horse. These attributes are determined through review of written applications and phone or in-person interviews with the Academic Director. Students must have a current driver’s license.


Credit for Prior Training:

Students that have previously completed portions of the Horse Industry Training Program may return to Maplewood to either supplement their knowledge through additional exposure to the horses or facilities or to continue on their progress to obtaining their certificate. 

Because of the nature of the certification process, returning students will need to demonstrate full knowledge of all curriculum and materials in order to ensure the safety of the animals and their ability to work within the industry. 


Our Facility:

Maplewood Training Stables, Inc. is located in beautiful Pleasant Valley, Nevada, approximately 10 miles south of Reno on Highway 395. The facility is situated on 200 gorgeous acres, including trails, ponds, hills and creeks. Most acreage is devoted to park and trails available for clients and students to enjoy. 

Maplewood has four large outdoor arenas, one indoor arena, measuring 225’ x 80’, and an expansive outdoor Grand Prix Field. A clubhouse and viewing area are also available. The Maplewood facility may accommodate up to 60 horses at a time in box stalls. Each stall has a rubber mat, tack locker and a fly spray system. A washer and dryer are also onsite to handle horse laundry. The premises are under 24-hour surveillance to insure the safety and security of the animals. 

Students will have hands-on demonstrations and opportunity for practical experience throughout the facility. Lectures and group discussions are also held in numerous locations throughout the facility, including the arenas and clubhouse. 


Term Dates and Deadlines:

Students may begin their program on any calendar day of the month as space allows in the training facility. A maximum number of 10 students are enrolled in the program in any given month. An applying student will be notified of available start dates prior to submitting his or her application. Student applications must be submitted by no later than the 15th of the month prior to the month he or she intends to begin the program. Students must commit to a minimum of six months, which is the first term within the program. For example, a student that is notified of an available start date of January 1 would need to submit the application by no later than December 15th and would be required to commit to an initial six-month term. which would be from January 1st through June 30th.

The length of a term for students eligible for certification is two years and a minimum of 4,000 hours, which is divided into four six-month segments. The program is graded on a pass/fail basis. Therefore, any student not passing the course material after completing two years and 4,000 hours may enroll for additional six-month terms until the student passes the courses required for graduation.

Because the school cares for live animals that require care every day, there are no scheduled school holidays. The students live onsite and a schedule is created to insure that all students receive the appropriate amount of training time and that the horses receive the proper care.



Tuition is $1,000 per month per student, and the course is for a minimum of 24 months for a total tuition amount of $24,000. Additional months may be required in order for the student to complete the program and can be added on to the course at the discretion of the director of the facility. Tuition includes onsite student housing, all instruction, materials needed for the course including the USHJA Trainer Certification Manual and Study Guide. Tuition also includes student access to facilities, horses, trailers and all other equipment necessary for the student’s training at the facility.   

Tuition payments are to be made in advance for each six-month increment. For example, a class period of January through June would require payment of $6,000, which is all tuition for the six-month term, by no later than December 31st. The tuition for the six-month period must be received by Maplewood Training Stables, Inc., prior to the first day of enrollment. 


Refund Policy:

The refund policy of Maplewood Training Stables, Inc., follows the requirements outlined by NRS 394.449. If the organization substantially fails to furnish the training program agreed upon in the enrollment agreement, the organization shall refund to a student all of the money the student has paid for tuition. 

If a student cancels his or her enrollment before the start of the training program, the institution shall refund to the student all the money the student has paid minus 10% of the tuition agreed upon in the enrollment agreement or $100, whichever is less. 

If a student withdraws or is expelled by the organization after the start of the training program and before the completion of 60% of the program, the institution shall refund to the student a pro rata amount of the tuition agreed upon in the enrollment agreement for the student’s current term, minus 10% of the agreed tuition minus 10% or $100, whichever is less. 

If a student withdraws or is expelled by the organization after completion of 60% of the training program term, the institution is not required to refund the student any money and may charge the student the entire cost of the tuition agreed upon in the enrollment agreement. 

If a refund is owed pursuant to the above sections, the organization shall pay the refund to the person or entity who paid the tuition within 15 calendar days after the:

1 - date of cancellation by a student of his/her enrollment

2 – date of termination by the organization of the enrollment of a student

3 – last day of an authorized leave of absence if a student fails to return after the period of        authorized absence; or

4 – last day of attendance of a student.

Books, educational supplies and equipment needed by the student for completion of this program are included in the tuition outlined in the enrollment agreement and are therefore incorporated into this policy. Payments for room and board for the student while participating in the program are not included in tuition for purposes of this agreement, and students are required to execute a separate housing agreement in conjunction with enrollment in the program. 

For purposes of this refund policy, the period of a student’s attendance must be measured from the first day of instruction as set forth in the enrollment agreement through the student’s last day of actual attendance regardless of absences. The period of time for a training program is the period set forth in the enrollment agreement and the total training program is divided into six-month terms. Tuition must be calculated using the tuition and fees set forth in the enrollment agreement. 

Example of refund policy terms:

Student enrolls in six-month terms running from January 1st through June 30th. If the student cancels his or her enrollment prior to beginning class on January 1st, the student is due a full refund. 

If the student cancels his or her enrollment between January 1st and April 19th (which represents the day at which 60% of the term is complete), then the student would be due a refund in proportion to the portion of the term completed. 

If the student cancels his or her enrollment after April 19th, the student has effectively completed 60% of the term and no refund is due. 


Business Hours and Attendance:

Business Hours – Tue-Sun 8:30 am – 6:30 pm

Maplewood Training Stables, Inc., is a working training facility with animals that require care seven days a week. Students are expected to work a rigorous schedule that will prepare them for the demands of the profession. The formal business hours of the facility are Tuesday through Sunday from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. Hours vary, and the students work until the work is done.   

Late students and those missing responsibilities are assigned barn duty, which includes cleaning stalls. Sick days and absences of any kind are highly discouraged because the animals require care. Excessive absences result in termination from the program. The Academic Director reserves the right to determine what constitutes excessive absences. The school has zero tolerance for missed responsibilities or absences that in any way put the animals in danger. Therefore, attendance is taken very seriously. 

If a student’s cumulative absences exceed five percent (5%) of the scheduled hours, the hours must be made up by the next month. If the missed hours are not made up within the next month, the student will need to repeat that segment of the course. Any student who is absent three (3) or more consecutive scheduled days, will be automatically terminated from the course. Students must notify the Academic Director prior to their scheduled start time if they are going to be absent or late. A notice of prolonged absence must be made in person or by letter to the Academic Director. Students who need extended time off from school may be eligible for a leave of absence. 


Conduct of Students:

Students are expected to act in a mature and professional manner while at the facility. This include strict adherence to the Barn Rules included on page 8 of this catalog.

In addition, students are expected to follow HITP Rules and Regulations:

• No smoking or vaping on the premises/property.

• No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises/property.

• No illegal drugs are allowed on the premises/property.

• No personal pets are allowed in the dormitory.

• No candles are allowed in the dormitory.

• No overnight guests are allowed in the dormitory unless permission is granted from the Director.

• Students may not live off campus unless permission is granted from the Director.

• Students habitually late may be expelled, placed on probation or may be subject to other restrictions.

• Students must fill out and submit attendance/day sheets daily. Missing day sheets are considered unexcused absences and will require make-up days prior to graduation.

Any deviations from the rules outlined in this catalog or conduct that in any way puts any animals at the facility in harm’s way will be evaluated for termination from the program at the discretion of the Academic Director. Any student destroying or damaging school equipment such as trucks, trailers, tack, equipment or barn/stable facilities will be disciplined. Depending on the extent of the violation, the student will be placed on probation or expelled.


Standards of Progress:

Students will be primarily graded on a pass/fail basis based on their ability to demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter. A student’s inability to complete any processes or steps in any of the curriculum could cause harm to the animals and therefore would be considered unsatisfactory progress. 

Students are periodically assessed by the Academic Director based on the areas of the program curriculum. Students not displaying satisfactory understanding or performance of the subject matter will receive verbal and written feedback noting areas for improvement and steps that can be taken to ensure they meet the minimum requirements. Students can retest (which includes a re-performance of the particular process) as many times as necessary to ensure that they receive a pass grade on the subject matter. 

Students receive a variety of written quizzes throughout their program to ensure their detailed knowledge of each subject area within the text, and each segment of the training program includes a list of required reading as outlined in the Maplewood Stables Student Handbook that is provided to each student upon enrollment.  


Re-Enrollment Policy:

Students that are terminated due to breach of the code of conduct will not be considered for re-enrollment except in very rare circumstances. 

Students terminated from the program due to not making satisfactory progress will be allowed to re-enter the program. However, students re-entering the program due to previously not making satisfactory progress must begin the program again with a full two-year term.  Students will be required to complete the full application process again and additionally will be required to conduct an interview with the Academic Director to discuss why they believe that they will now be proper candidates for completing the full program. Once approved by the Academic Director, the students will be placed in the program at the first of the month where space is available. 


Horse Industry Training Program

Program Description:

The Horse Industry Training Program has been designed for those students wishing to gain employment in the horse industry.  This is an entry-level program and no prior experience is necessary.  However, applicants must be goal-oriented and hard working.  Applicants with a true love for horses and a strong commitment to becoming professionals in the horse industry will be most suited to the program. The program centers around four broad courses and areas of training – Horse Training, Barn Management, Horse Care and Trailer Training/Safety.  Students must complete at the very minimum a total of 4,000 hours of instruction over four, six-month segments in order to be considered for certification. 

Horse Training (1,000 Hours)

In Horse Training, students receive the necessary education to become a horse trainer.  They will learn to train horses of different ages and levels of ability.  They will also learn how to prepare the horses in their care for shows, sale or client use.  Students will receive hands-on training while riding different types of horses and will be measured based on their interaction and communication with the horses.  They will also be assessed based on how their assigned horses perform in shows. 

Barn Management (1,000 Hours)

In Barn Management, students will be prepared for a position as a barn manager.  They will receive instruction on organizing lessons, returning phone calls and emails to clients, sending in show entries, ordering necessary supplies (such as hay, shavings, grain, etc.), organizing farrier appointments, organizing veterinarian appointments and keeping horse laundry up to date.  They will also learn the process for acquiring health records, brand inspection papers and Coggins reports. 

Horse Care (1,000 Hours)

In Horse Care, students will learn the health and general habits of horses in nature – how they think, react, learn and respond to other horses and humans.  Students will then work through how these characteristics relate to both stabled and pastured horses.  Students will learn in depth the various types of feed and feeding methods.  They will also learn about grains, supplements, daily routines and care of horses in the stable and pasture.  They will also learn methods to determine number and weight of blankets needed for individual horses.

Trailer Training and Safety (1,000 Hours)

In Trailer Training and Safety, students learn to properly and safely load and transport horses for a variety of purposes including shows and other competitive events.  They will learn primarily through hands-on experience and demonstration of the proper methods to insure safety of the driver, passengers and animals as well as proper maintenance and handling of the school’s equipment.  Students will learn proper form to inspect and hookup the trailer to the truck and also proper techniques for tying hay nets, driving the truck and trailer loaded with horses and unloading horses. 

Barn Rules:

All students are expected to also comply with the following Barn Rules:

  • Each person is riding at his or her own risk. Maplewood Stables, its owners, agents and employees shall not be held responsible for accident or injury to horse or rider.

  • Any damage to property, persons or other animals caused by you or your horse is your responsibility and must be replaced and/or fully compensated. Personal liability insurance is highly recommended.

  • Helmets must be worn whenever mounted.

  • Chaps and paddock boots or boots and breeches must be worn for all lessons and riding.

  • Absolutely no dogs or other animals are allowed at the stable.

  • Jumping is only permitted when taking a lesson. There are no exceptions.

  • A person who sets up a lesson and doesn’t attend will be charged unless the lesson has been cancelled the previous day or earlier. Leaving a message by telephone is sufficient.

  • The arenas are only for the use of Maplewood boarders and may only be used when lessons are not in session.

  • No one may use the arenas for turn out; use designated turn out areas only.

  • Do not cross-tie horses anywhere except on the wash racks or in their stalls. Never cross-tie horses in the barn aisles.

  • Those using school horses are required to properly groom them before and after riding and cool them down sufficiently, putting blankets on, if needed.

  • Those using Maplewood-owned tack are required to clean and put it away properly. Those not following this rule will have their privileges revoked and must acquire their own equipment.

  • Any equipment left out will be confiscated and a fee must be paid to regain ownership.

  • Maplewood staff is not responsible for any tack. Put all of your belongings in your tack trunk or locker and please lock.

  • No one shall take hay, grain or bedding from the stable without consulting the barn manager.

  • All grain and supplements brought to Maplewood by a horse owner must be kept in tack lockers and never in barn aisles.

  • Maplewood has a regular farrier and veterinarian. However, the farrier will not shoe a horse unless paid in advance, so checks should be left in the office.

  • The barn is closed on Monday to everyone.

  • Park only in designated parking areas. Do not park in front of the dumpster.

  • Absolutely no horses are permitted on the lawns or in the flowerbeds.

  • Absolutely no smoking allowed on the premises.

  • Please do not litter. Clean up after your horse and yourself. Keep Maplewood beautiful!