Julie Winkel Receives USHJA President's Distinguished Service Award
Julie Winkel, second from left, received a USHJA President's Distinguished Service Award during the USHJA Annual Meeting. She's pictured with fellow award winners, from left, Cheryl Rubenstein, Joe Dotoli, Howard Pike and Kathy Meyer.
Cited for her passion for education and dedication to the United States Hunter Jumper Association, Maplewood's Julie Winkel received a coveted USHJA President's Distinguished Service Award during the USHJA Annual Meeting Evening of Equestrians Awards, held December 13 in Palm Springs, California.
"As chair of the Officials Education Committee, her passion for educating fellow judges and working to improve the licensed officials clinics every year is commendable," said USHJA President Bill Moroney during the ceremony. "Her ideas and forward thinking are exactly what you hope to encounter as a staff member. Without her desire to improve the system, education of our licensed officials would remain stagnant."
Julie, an R-rated judge, trainer and competitor for more than 30 years, was also recognized for her ability to find the time to judge, teach clinics, run her business and sit on other committees for the USHJA and the United States Equestrian Federation (where she is co-chair of the Licensed Officials Committee).
"I was surprised because I didn’t feel like I did anything extra this year, but I'm also very honored to receive this award from USHJA President Bill Moroney, whom I respect and idolize, in the last days of his presidency,” said Julie.